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You + Me

= A Smoother and Savvier Buying Journey

Making the decision to purchase a home whether it be your first home, an investment property, downsizing as you enter a new phase of your life, or something else entirely, the process can be exciting and at the same time overwhelming!

My goal when I am working with anyone purchasing a home is to have full understanding and in depth knowledge of your goals. It is my responsibility to ensure you feel as though you are making a fully informed decision!

here are some hints as you start down the road!


New to the whole "buying a home and making a major decision/investment" sort of thing?

Download my free PDF guide, "WHAT DOES A REALTOR ACTUALLY DO?"

Not only will it let you in on what you should expect from your realtor, but it also gives you checklists and bullet points about what to ask, how to decide who's right for you, and when you should start the conversation.



After you decide on a Realtor to work with, you get to start spilling the tea. The more tea, the more they can support you, advocate for you, and get you unlocking the door of your very own dream house!

So what's important to share? Read on...

1. Finances

I know this might feel squirmy to talk about, but I'm not judging you! I'm on your side and only want to help you unlock the door to a home that gives you goosebumps!

By finances I don’t mean just your budget! Of course budget is a key component but it is so important to take a deep dive into your current financials so that you have a full picture of what purchasing a home would look like in your world of dollars and cents…the good, bad, the ugly…all of it! 


What do you have in savings? How much of that is going to go to a down payment? What do you have for wiggle room?


What assets do you own that you could leverage toward purchasing your home?

debt (liabilities)

Buzz kill, I know! But KEY in understanding your full financial picture.


You will need to prepare to submit all the necessary paperwork/information when applying for a mortgage.

I will stay in my lane here...I am not a mortgage broker!

There are so many incredible professionals in this area of expertise that will guide you through exactly what information you will need to provide but just know, it’s a lot lol 😬


Take proper considerations for all the ‘extra’ expenses that come along with purchasing a home… home inspection, condo document review, closing costs (lawyer fees), moving company etc. You'll feel so much better planning for a buffer for additional costs!

2. Your



here are some questions I need you to dig into when considering what type/style home you are looking for..and they are probably not what you think!

What drives you crazy about your current home?! Seriously, this is one of the most important things to consider when looking for a new home. We want to focus on how you need a home to FEEL and FUNCTION for you.

What are your non-negotiables? As in, "we are not purchasing a new home unless it has…"

What are your ‘nice to haves’? I.E. "I would love to have XYZ, but if not, it's not a deal breaker." 

Then the less fun stuff… Most of these will have shaken out by answering the above but consider: How many bedrooms? Bathrooms? Ideal square footage? Outside space? Garage/Parking?

3. Location

Consider HOW you are living your life in your current phase. The context around your dream home can make a less than ideal home feel pretty perfect or make even the dreamiest of homes very very un-dreamy. 

So let's get into it:

Proximity: Is proximity to amenities like coffee shops, restaurants, cute cocktail spots etc. important? 

Schools: Do you have littles that are at or approaching school age? 

Walkability: Is it important to have access to parks, pathways, green spaces? 

Community: Are you the young working professional, looking to be in the mix of city life? Or are you looking for something a bit more family orientated? Or are you downsizing and looking for the quiet after putting in the years of craziness, raising your family?! 

Work: Do you need quick access to downtown? Or the airport because you travel a lot?

Value: Current and potential value in the neighbourhood.

Now maybe you are not immediately looking for an investment property but taking a look at the current and potential value in a community regardless of what you are purchasing the home for is really important information!

So are you buying into a brand new community that has a lot of new development or perhaps an older community that is going through revitalization?

Neither is bad or good, it is all dependent on you and your short term and long term goals but having this information will only lend to you being able to make a fully informed buying decision. 

your Team


I believe and live the value of connecting into a network of exquisite support. The whole "never be the smartest person in the room" thing? Sure, but even further, when you're making a decision and investment of this magnitude, it just makes sense to surround yourself with a proverbial room of experts in their respective fields.

There are a few key professionals to engage when you are going through the process of a home:

1. Realtor

I have some ideas about who could step in here 😉  Kidding, not kidding.

But really, even if we don't vibe, check out my "What Do Realtor's Actually Do" free PDF guide to sus out a good fit for you!

2. Mortgage Broker

These amazing professionals have access to many different lenders, offers, etc. They deal with all walks of life with varying different financial positions. They are key in helping you to understand not only your buying power but also the options and choices that wouldn't be obvious to an untrained eye.

3. Financial Advisor

This one might not immediately come to mind, but I would definitely advise it. This gives you someone to help you to see the whole picture of what your financial situation looks like, both now and after buying a property. 

4. Real Estate Lawyer

Big emphasis on the real estate part of this. There are lawyers who specialize in the area of real estate and I highly encourage you to utilize someone with this specific area of expertise, instead of your neighbor or whoever redid your parents' will.

5. Home Inspector

Don’t worry you don’t have to run out and find and vet an inspector on your own. Your Realtor will have a few recommendations for you—someone other than your dad or uncle Joe (unless this is what they do professionally of course!) 

I know that might seem like a lot, but it's actually, literally my job to guide and support you through it.


You don't have to have it all figured out to connect with a Realtor. We can chat today and start exactly where you're at.

pro tip:

Drop an email below to connect. No pressure, just a solid teammate to help you figure out next steps to those granite countertops and that heated garage you dream about....

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calgary, alberta & area
real estate agent, realtor®
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Leigh Kormos

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